

Your wedding can unfortunately no longer go ahead as planned, so the big question couples have is do we cancel or postpone the wedding? The recommendation is always to postpone rather than cancel. However, this decision should be made between the couple and whoever is funding the wedding. You might not have a date that you feel comfortable postponing to and that’s totally fine! If you speak with your various vendors, you can hopefully negotiate a middle ground, such as keeping your payments as a future credit to use when a date is set. It’s a win-win situation! You can help keep the businesses that you fell in love with afloat and when the time comes, you won’t need to replan the wedding.


Modern Wedding Magazine suggests telling your guests as soon as possible! Once your venue informs you that you’ll have to reschedule your wedding, then is the time to tell your vendors and guests. You might not have a definitive new date in mind, but you could share some tentative date options with your guests so they stay in the loop! Most people are in quarantine, so not only will this give them something to look forward to, but they’ll also have lots of time to re-plan and reschedule for your new wedding date.


Things are quite uncertain at the moment, so what is your best option if you want to get married in Spring 2021? Modern Wedding Magazine recommends for couples to wait and play it by ear, but to not commit to anything financially yet. Wait a few months to see how the situation is and be considerate of the backlog of weddings and date changes that will need to be accommodated first. In the meanwhile, there’s nothing stopping you from continuing your research.


We understand that many brides around the world will be devastated by having to postpone their weddings, but we have some words of wisdom for you ladies! Modern Wedding Magazine’s best advice for couples to focus their energy on planning a new wedding. Your new wedding can be the exact same as you originally planned, or it can be different! You can use this time to potentially even improve your old wedding plans and get new inspiration! You never know, you might even prefer your new wedding plan. Keep your head up – at the end of the day, this wedding will definitely happen and you will remember that special day for the rest of your life.

Credit for Article https://www.modernwedding.com.au/how-to-cancel-postpone-your-wedding-due-to-covid-19/